We hope you enjoy the new shopping experience. We have tried to simplify and improve our site for your convenience. You will find plenty new additions and some old favourites that you have longed for. We have included a new help section on the top menu bar to walk you through the entire shopping experience. You can now e-mail your favourites to friends, add items to a wishlist for future shopping.
Needless to say the site is 100% secure using a 128bit Thawte Certificate giving you peace of mind. Once again enjoy your shopping experience and remember we guarantee 100% Customer satisfaction. .
Everyone at Susman’s Best Beef Biltong Co works together to ensure that you, our customers always receive the best quality, service and customer care. Because we enjoy and take pride in our work, we achieve the criteria set and more. So now you know who we are why not telephone us up for a chat or visit our factory shop. We look forward to meeting you soon.
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