Very Merry Cleaners is a local company servicing Clapham with domestic cleaning solutions. If you’re in search for a cleaner to regularly clean and maintain your property clean Very Merry Cleaners is your choice for Clapham residences and neighbouring areas.

The company provides not only regular cleaning sessions, but one-off cleaning. A team of cleaners will visit your household and clean as much as possible, for the given time you want them. One-Off cleaning comes with a comprehensive cleaning checklist that the cleaners strictly follow. One-Off or single visit cleaning can be customised as you see fit, priority areas, rooms and scrubs.

Very Merry Cleaners also provides end of tenancy move out cleaning service, which comes with a guarantee. After the team is done sweeping your entire place we guarantee that you will get that deposit back in full. If there’s a problem with the quality, the cleaners will swing back for a free re-clean.


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