Moving to the UK? Don’t leave South Africa without tying up these loose-ends

For South Africans, the road to the UK can be a challenging one, but once you get there it’s worth it. To help you navigate through all the requirements and to ensure that your move goes off as smoothly as possible, we’ve compiled some essential advice and information based on what other Saffas have learned while making the big move. Transfer your money the easy way When transferring your money out of South Africa, you want to get as many Pounds for your Rands as you can. Banks are notorious for giving shoddy exchange rates and it’s far better to use a specialist forex agency. Forex agents build key relationships with banks from all around the world and they process all their transfers in bulk. That’s how they’re able to give you the best rates at lower fees. So forget about using your bank, shop around online and find a broker with local expertise that can help you get the most out of your money transfers. To financially emigrate, or not to financially emigrate? Financial e…
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Saffa, Finally can earn some pounds

1 More Saffa | Finally can earn some pounds | The South African

Fri, 13 Sep 2013 07:00:00 GMT

1 More Saffa | Finally can earn some pounds

Coming back into London, the rain spat in my face reminding me that the sun will not always shine and holiday time is over. The final stage interview was a little more ruthless in a meeting room and questions being asked by the head of department. Despite the minor stress and anxiety planting itself in red patches on my neck and cheeks (praying the lighting in the room softened it), I was phoned the next morning with the offer.

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